Thank you to our gold sponsors!
Thank you for being a valued member of the Moorestown business community.
Businesses like yours help make Moorestown one of the best small towns in America
My name is Annette McGuire and I am the current president of the Moorestown Newcomers and Neighbors Club.
Please consider purchasing a sponsorship to our club. We will introduce your business to new families that relocate to Moorestown and recommend your business to existing Moorestown residents.
Looking at 2020 and beyond, a new website, an enhanced social calendar and an ever increasing base of
young families looking get connected are just a few of the things we are excited about!
$100 / YEAR
Featured on our Website & Facebook Page
Exposure to all Club Members
Your logo showcased at our tent for festivals
(Moorestown Day, Fall Meet & Greet, Fall Family Picnic)
$250 / YEAR
Featured on our Website & Facebook Page
Exposure to all Club Members
Your logo showcased at our tent for festivals
(Moorestown Day, Fall Meet & Greet, Fall Family Picnic)
Two Annual Email Blasts Supporting your Business
(You choose the mailing dates)
Collaboration Opportunities
(Meet club leaders & be a part of future events)